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华师经管学术讲座第441 期(管理)

2023-06-01 14:00:00 来源:437必赢会员中心 点击: 收藏本文

【题目】To Stand Out or Fit In? How Perceived Overqualification Motivates Proactive and Affiliative Performance



【主讲人】马超 博士

【主持人】熊冠星 副教授


Contributing to the literature on positive effects of overqualification, this research examines when and why perceived overqualification predicts affiliative and proactive performance at work. Integrating optimal distinctiveness theory with self-construal theory, we propose that depending on the nature of an employee’s self-construal (i.e., independent, or interdependent), perceived overqualification will be associated with two opposing motivational processes—namely, differentiation and assimilation. We expect perceived overqualification to have a positive relationship with a motive for assimilation when an employee has a strong interdependent self-construal. Conversely, we expect perceived overqualification to have a positive relationship with a motive for differentiation when an employee has a strong independent self-construal. We further argue that assimilation seeking and differentiation seeking motives will be positively related to affiliative and proactive performance, respectively. We conducted two multi-waved and multi-sourced studies to test our hypotheses. In a pilot study (N = 249), we first tested our moderation hypothesis. In our main study (N = 496), we tested our overall moderated mediation model. Results from both studies reveal that perceived overqualification can trigger a need for differentiation or assimilation in employees depending on the nature of their self-construal. The differentiation seeking motive was positively related to proactive performance, while the assimilation seeking motive was positively related to affiliative performance. Our findings advance overqualification and motivation literatures and provide insights into talent acquisition and management.


马超博士在香港浸会大学获得工商管理学士学位(一等荣誉),在澳大利亚国立大学取得商业管理硕士和哲学硕士学位,并获得澳大利亚国立大学管理学博士学位,目前在澳大利亚国立大学商业与经济学院管理研究院担任讲师(助理教授), 澳大利亚国立大学亚澳领导力中心首席研究员。马超博士的研究领域包括人力资源管理和组织行为学,如领导力、资质过度感知、职业发展,以及绩效管理等课题。马超的研究成果发表在包括FT50管理学期刊以及澳大利亚ABDC-A*/A排名期刊等国际学术期刊:Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Personnel Review等.