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2024-04-23 17:19:00 来源:437必赢会员中心 点击: 收藏本文

【题目】 Learning from Mistakes: The Implications of Course Repetition for Student Subsequent Success



【时间】 4月25日(周四)14:00


【摘要】 Using the variations in repetition induced by the cancellation and reversal of a university GPA policy to correct for student selection, we quantify the effects of course repetition on below-average students’ subsequent outcomes. We find that students develop greater interest, persist longer, and perform better in a given subject upon repetition in comparison to their non-repeating classmates who receive the same initial-attempt grade. The observed repetition effects are particularly pronounced for the students who are exposed to the college environment and/or a subject matter for the first time and are entirely explained by the gains in learning. 

【主讲人简介】蒋璇,普渡大学博士,俄亥俄州立大学博士后,暨南大学经济学院助理教授,主要研究方向劳动经济学,教育经济学等。论文发表在Labor Economics, Demography, China Economic Review等国际著名期刊。